Somebody deposited money in a bank and another person borrowing that same money to pay back later with interest. The interest there is for the bank which doesn't apply in this case but they made u to understand that once that person keep depositing money in the bank there will always be money to borrow to others and as long as there are many people depositing money and collecting continously
the bank will continue to be operational.
So, as long as people keep providing help and getting help continuously in mmm, it will continue to work perfectly. That 30% is people money that's collectively brought together to make up your own 30% and it's rotational as long as people keep proving help. When u provide help, you get help too. Even if mmm is made up of 3 people only, as long as those 3 people are consistent in proving help when it is their turn to do so which will be use to give help to those that want to get help it will never collapse. In mmm people provide help everyday even if u provide help once and go there are still many people that come in everyday to provide help so ur departure will not be felt unless there are many people departing at the same period which is almost impossible because the benefit is always there.
Now tell me how it will collapse.
It's people like u that want it to collapse because u want to put fear in people so that they will be afraid of providing help.