Hello people check out these tips someone was will to share on how to make the most of MMM.
I hope you find it usefull.
if you're already active then study the average it takes from when you ph to when you get
an order, it should be 21 days on average. What you do is take the 30 days from ph to gh and minus 10, so every 20 days from ph you ph again because you know 10 days or so later you'll get your gh. You keep repeating the process until you're very sure of it then you start giving ph every 15 days and you'll gh twice a month. That's 60% monthly when you gh twice monthly. Now here's how to increase your money to 80% monthly. Use your link to register a person you trust won't run away with your money and execute this system in their account. So while they get 60% monthly from the system, 20% will come to you as you're their upline. Making 80% monthly.