Thursday, 13 October 2016

MMM Zimbabwe calls calm

Dear participants!
First of all, we inform you about the immediate release of Mavros bought till August 10. The situation has become more stable so there’s no need to wait till September 15 and we can release Mavros now.

However, as the participants aren’t calm completely the early release will surely lead to the sharp increase in withdrawals that will put additional load on the system. It should be clearly understood. So, it’s necessary to take some stabilization measures in order to reduce the load.
That’s why, the discount rate has applied for Mavros bought till August 10. What does it mean? It means after GH request the participant won’t get the whole amount but the amount with this discount.
For this moment, the discount rate is 20% (0.2). For example, if the participant withdraws 50 Mavro-USD he will get 10 USD.
Once again we remind you once that this measure is temporary and required by the current situation. The discount rate can be changed or cancelled at any moment. In other words, the participants have a choice to get help instantly and get it with the discount or wait till the discount is cancelled for receiving the full amount. It’s up to you! Probably, you should wait. However, take into consideration that the rate can even be decreased (if the number of requests to GH will increase significantly).
The discount isn’t applied for Mavros bought after August 10. So, keep calm, keep on participating, providing help and inviting new members to MMM!
MMM paid before, pays now and will pay in the future! Together we are changing the world!

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