Have you ever wondered why banks charge credit u with #70 interest nd debit #120 as ATM maintenance fee?
Do u notice that ur frst interest on ur frst deposit after u opened your bank account is HIGH...nd subsequently dey begin to reduce it?
Do u notice that if you Dnt make withdrawals frm ur bank account in a mnth but u keep making deposits,the bank gives you higher interest?
REASON: the same money u deposited over a period of time is being used to assist another member of the bank wen he needs his money.
Bank will reward u for not touching ur money nd will debit u enormously wen u make too much withdrawal frm ur account within a mnth...FROM YOUR BANK CHARGES, THEY PAY THE OTHER FELLOW HIS INTEREST AND USE THE REST AS BANKING COMMISSIONS

That's the power of CROWD FUNDING.
Now Sergei Mavrodi, the founder of MMM, actually designed a community where the same money...keep circulating withing it's members rather than the bank charging us EXTRA for keeping our hard earned money in their financial institutions.
Like I always say, it's d MINDSET, even if I explain the 30% bonus in 'bigger prints'

Remember, as a man THINKETH, so he is.
This is what I keep advocating for, don't call MMM a 'scam' because u Dnt like the Platform. Just continue doing it your own way...God bless our hustles!
Don't blow out another man's candle because u want urs to shine! You shine ur shine,i shine my shine